Friday, October 7, 2011

II Cor,18:20

Intro. The death of Christ on  the cross brought  us not only deliverance  from sin, but also other blessing which child of god can enjoy.

I.defifiniton.Atonement literally means reconcillation” it speaks of the bringing together of two people where fellowshif has been broken because a wrong has been done by one towards the ,other.

ii.The reconciler: Jesus atoned us from our sin

iii.The blessing of atonement

a.forgiveness and righteousness Eph,1:17, 2 cor.5: 21
b.healing  Isa, 53: 5, 1pet.2:24
c.prosperity 2cor 8:9
d . A new man 2 cor. 5:17 ,Gal. 2:20
e. Eternal life John 3:16

a.Thank God for the atoning sacrifice of Christ
b. Knowing that Christ through His death has brought  us manifold ,blessings begin to appreciate the promise by faith and enjoy the blessing.

Rev. Leo P. Magayon

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