Friday, June 17, 2011


TEXT: 2 TIM 1:6 


This gift is compared to a fire. The was probably special gift and power in the Holy Spirit to fulfill our ministry.


That the gifts and power bestowed on as by the spirit do not automatically remain strong and vital. They must be fueled by Gods grace through our prayer, faith, obedience, and diligence.

   I.            Example in the Bible: The power the part from them and not remain automatically.

A.      Samson-(1 Sam. 16:19) his strength left him but he did not know that the Lord left him. Samson is an example of doe’s believers who think that   God will remain even as they continue in sinful an immoral conduct.
                   This passage strongly warns us that is possible for the Lord to depend from a persistently sinful persons without him or realizing it.     

B. Saul- (2 Sam16:14) the spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul. Because Saul had rebelled against Gods will, he was given over to demonic influence.

C. Solomon- (1 kings 11:9) the Lord became angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the Lord. The God of Israel who had appeared to him twice.

 Obeying Gods from the heart is better than any outward form of Worship service or personal sacrifice. Saul sin was placing his own conception of what was right above.
        Worship, Prayer, Praise, Spiritual Gifts and service to God are worthless in his sight if not accompanied by explicit obedience to him and righteous standard.



Zech 4:6- not by might not by power not by the spirit.
Though this was spoken to zeru Babel it applies to all believers.
Military might, political power or human strength cannot accomplish Gods work. We can only do his work if we are enabled by the Holy Spirit. Judge 6:34, Isa 31:3. Jesus enter this ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit. Lk 4:2-18 in the church was in powered by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost acts 1:8.
 Only if the spirits continue to govern and power our lives will we accomplish for us                 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Seven Fruits of Justification

Text: Romans 5:1-11


    Justification, Assurance, Security, Peace and Prosperity are the fruits of true freedom

1. “Peace” (v.1)
    Peace with God through Christ

2.  “Access” (v.2)
An opened doorway leading to a full measure of the grace of God

3. “Rejoicing” (v.3-4, 11)
A. Rejoicing in hope of the glory of God.
 B. Rejoicing in tribulation-knowing the full meaning of tribulation.
 C. Rejoicing in God, to whom
We are reconciled.

4. “Hope” (v.5)
   A hope that will never disappoint one nor leave any cause for shame.

5. “Love of God” (v.5)

A. An experienced love-one not only offered, but given and received.

B. A love shed abroad in men’s hearts.

6. “Holy Spirit” (v.5)
A. Operates in men’s hearts.
  B. Sheds abroad the love of God.
  C. God’s supreme gift to man.

7. Living Christ (v.6-10)

A. If Christ so loved us while we were sinners that He died for us, will He now forget us and when we have trusted Him?
B. If we trusted in His shed blood to save us from our sins, can we not trust Him triumphant life and intercession to help us live for Him?

   We have freedom now, because Christ made us free. So stand strong. Do not change and go back into the slavery of the law.

Rev. Leo P. Magayon

Monday, June 6, 2011

Prosperity with a Purpose
Luke 12:13-21 

Learning Objective

To understand the real Purpose of prosperity and how to live a life that is worth living.

A life worth living is a life in which we prosper for a divine Purpose
We don’t love money; we use money to love people.

I. the Abundance of Material things does not determine the quality of life

God is not against you having an abundance of material things. He is against things having you, not you having things.

Luke 12:22-30
Luke 12:15

II. What kind of ground do you have?
Luke 12:16

You ground likened to your Career, Relationship, Ministry or Business. When your ground is yielding plentifully it’s a sign that God is blessing it.
Luke 12:17-19

Six times the personal pronoun “I” was used in these verses. This shows that this man was pre-occupied with self.
Six is the number of man. So this man was only chasing earthly things- to be rich for himself not with God.

III. Prosperity with a Purpose
Luke 12:20-21

God wants to be rich toward him. This is called prosperity with a purpose. You use your wealth to bless the work of God, the people of God and men of God.
Luke 12:15
Matthew 6:24

Grace always works in the heart
Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus was corrupt Tax Collector, a sinner. He is a lover of money. The Lord did not rebuke him instead he showed him grace.
John 1:14

Jesus was full of grace
Grace visited Zacchaeus without Preaching, Praying, or altar calls his heart and wallet opened up. It was grace the leads people to repentance

Grace does not result in superficial behavior modification, but inward transformation. When you experience his goodness and his grace you cannot help but to be generous.

The goal is to live and enjoy your life blessing others or as the scriptures says “blessed to be a blessing”

That is Prosperity with a Purpose; a life “Worth Living”

Rev. Leo P. Magayon