Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Seven Fruits of Justification

Text: Romans 5:1-11


    Justification, Assurance, Security, Peace and Prosperity are the fruits of true freedom

1. “Peace” (v.1)
    Peace with God through Christ

2.  “Access” (v.2)
An opened doorway leading to a full measure of the grace of God

3. “Rejoicing” (v.3-4, 11)
A. Rejoicing in hope of the glory of God.
 B. Rejoicing in tribulation-knowing the full meaning of tribulation.
 C. Rejoicing in God, to whom
We are reconciled.

4. “Hope” (v.5)
   A hope that will never disappoint one nor leave any cause for shame.

5. “Love of God” (v.5)

A. An experienced love-one not only offered, but given and received.

B. A love shed abroad in men’s hearts.

6. “Holy Spirit” (v.5)
A. Operates in men’s hearts.
  B. Sheds abroad the love of God.
  C. God’s supreme gift to man.

7. Living Christ (v.6-10)

A. If Christ so loved us while we were sinners that He died for us, will He now forget us and when we have trusted Him?
B. If we trusted in His shed blood to save us from our sins, can we not trust Him triumphant life and intercession to help us live for Him?

   We have freedom now, because Christ made us free. So stand strong. Do not change and go back into the slavery of the law.

Rev. Leo P. Magayon

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