Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Abounding in the Grace of Giving

Abounding in the Grace of Giving
Foundational Scriptures: 2Cor.8, 9

Learning Objective:

       To understand that Grace will make you an excellent and big time giver. The grace of giving is originated with the Father and Jesus.
       Grace is Gods Riches At Christ Expense
       Jesus gave up his life so that you can have God's riches.
       In Greek Word Charis –divine influence upon the heart that causes you to the extraordinary.
       It is God’s ability for you in ability, Therefore, Grace does not excuses but empowers
       Remember the Macedonian churches in giving they understood the Grace of God.
2Cor.9:6, 8
       Giving is a heart issue- it is the response of a heart that experience grace...
       A heart that understands what God can do because of His grace.

I.                    The manifold graces of our Lord Jesus

       Saving grace-saved from our sins, saved from hell, delivered from the dominion of darkness and transferred into the kingdom of His son.(Col.1:13)
       Healing grace-By His stripes we are healed (1Pe.2:24)
       Grace to prosper- Jesus was rich but he became poor that we might be made rich. (2Cor. 8:9)

II.                  What the grace of giving can do?

       A. It makes you give with joy
       B. it makes you give willingly and  beyond your ability (next level)
       C. it makes you a big time giver or give supernaturally.
       D. it makes you always sufficient in all things.
       E. it makes you a too much lifestyle. (Favor, blessing, etc.)


       God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have abundance for every good work. (2Cor9:8)

III.                Making the grace of giving your lifestyle

       A. Will cause God to supply you with seed and multiply the seed you have sown.
       B. Cause many to thank and glorify God.
       C. Proof of your obedience to the gospel of Christ.
       D. Manifestation of the exceeding riches of His grace.


       For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for our sakes, He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.
       Rich does not mean God is going to make all of us millionaires.
       It means God will give us a full of supply.

IV.                How to excel in this grace

       A. Mix your giving with faith
       B. Agree with it.
       C. Get excited with it.
       D. Say it
       E. Sow your seed.


       Grace brings responsibility!  Because of God’s grace, we now have no excuse for not doing it.
       God is able to make all grace, favor, and earthly blessings come to you in abundance.  So that you may always and under all circumstances be self-sufficient possessing enough to require no -aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable giving.

Rev. Leo P. Magayon


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