Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Exalted Christ –The Great Shepherd

Text: Heb. 13:20, 21


Did you know and heard famous and great people in our history?
What he did so that they are called great?
Why it is needed it is significant or purposeful.

Three basis of Greatness:
  1. Accomplishment

A. what Christ did for you and me? Salvation, healing and provision of all our needs.
       1Peter 2:25
B. What are his purposes to do these?
C. Why? No man can save himself without Christ, He want to show that He love us so much

II. Character/ Personality, Lifestyle, Perfect, blameless and sinless   

A. What? He lay down his life give and offers for us without reservation.
Ex. Robin hood; Nan holdup nagnakaw at ibigay sa mga mahirap;
Saul and David the people say, kay Saul libo-libo kay David laksa-laksa.

Notable characters: King Solomon Samson/Joseph
B. Why? Your character determines who you are, and determines what you see.                  
Character brings lasting success with people.
Note: Only Jesus has a perfect character in His actions and intentions in every situation.

III. Resurrected/Resurrection: Alive, at the right hand of the Father. Symbols of authority and power

  1. What? It is the highest place, exalted and honored.
B. Why?     Because it is the hope of Christianity and all believers who believe. Without resurrection people will perished, our preaching is vain, and our faith is useless. If Christ has not been raised and yet we are still in our sins.

Three things the great shepherd doing now:

1. He equips us- train, enable, preparing for us to do good work for the ministry.
2. Working in us- stand along with us, beside us, being with us the Holy Spirit
3. Receive s Glory -He is worthy to receive glory and honor because of His greatness.

If you want to be great and to be remember. Remember Christ character.

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