Wednesday, March 2, 2011

2 KINGS 4:1-7


The prophet Elisha was approached one day by the widow in great financial need. You see, her husband died leaving her deeply in debt.

To make things worse, the creditors were threatening to take her sons and throw them into debtor’s prison until the debt was paid.

When Elisha arrived amazingly he did not focus on the windows bleak situation. Instead, he asked her, “What do you presently have?”

She had only a little pot of oil but it was enough to become her seed of Deliverance. What you have, it can become your seed.

God is ready to fill your vessel to overflowing with oil that will never runs dry.

I.        God doesn’t want you living a life of servitude, enslave by financial difficulties:

1.       A lifestyle of debt creates a lifetime of pain.
2.       Restless against principalities rulers of darkness. EPH. 6:12
3.       The spirit of debt will steal your hope.
4.       There is nothing more stressful than financial worry!
§  It can cause even the strongest stomach to feel sick
§  It will zap your energy; strip out your peace and rob your joy.
5.       Financial pressure will turn your restful night sleep into a battlefield of anxiety and turmoil.

II.      Everyone has a seed: a seed that is simply a beginning
There isn’t a single human on earth who doesn’t possess something to sow:
1.       Every miracle harvest begins with a seed.
2.       God will always require something that you now possess as your seed for deliverance. 2 COR. 9:10

What can become your seed? Anything you sow that has the potential to increase, multiply and become more. The seed is what you sow. Your harvest is what you keep.

a)      Time is a seed
b)      Love is a seed
c)       Money is a seed

The miracle seed you possess right now is the catalyst to blessing increase favour and prosperity.

III.    Your words are seed containers: galatians 6:7
What you say, will reap, seedtime and harvest applies to everything, even your verbal speaking.

1.       PROVERBS 18:21 – Life and Death are in the power of the tongue.
2.       The words you speak and the confession you make have the creative force and power to change the climate of your life. MARK 11:23

IV.    You must have hope before you can possess faith:

1.       Webster defines hope as – favourable and confident expectation. Hope believes and anticipate that something positive is about to take place.
2.       Oral Roberts Healing Evangelist – something good is going to happen to you. Favourable and confident expectation for supernatural miracles.

Never underestimate the power of hope. You must have it before you can possess faith.

1.       Hope is the partner of faith.
2.       You ask for prayer because you hope to receive your miracle.
3.       You fill out a job application because hope to get the job.
4.       Hope takes the first step.
5.       Hope dreams
6.       Hope anticipate

2 Corinthians 5:7 – Everybody has a believing ability. The question is “WHO WILL TRUST YOU? WHO WILL BELIEVE?”

1.       Our faith creates favour with God. It produces rewards which changes our standard of living.
2.       The Bible is the factory for your faith. It produces you believing.
3.       Faith DECIDES DIVINE TIMING – you are not waiting on God. He is waiting on you.

1.       Miracle arrives packaged in divine moments.
2.       Recognize messengers sent from God.

Word of challenge
Isa . 45:8- padadalhan kita ng sunod-sunod na sa. 45:17-  ang tagumpay nila ay sa habang panahon
Isa. 46:4- iingatan ko kayo hangang sa pumuti ang iyong buhok
Prov.28:20- the faithful one shall abound with blessing

Ptr. Leo P. Magayon.


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