Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Matthew 2:1-11


  • Professions are not enough to be called wise person.
  • They are men of sound minds, and finding in their books sounder views of the divine government of the world than the great body of their associates were capable of understandings. Probably they were Jews.

  • The number three was supposed from the gift being three, gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

I. 10 Facts and Character of a wise person;

1. Ask question
2. Searcher and seeker
3. Worshiper
4. Attentive and diligent
5. Obedient
6. Determine and perseverance
7. Joyful
8. Worshipful spirit
9. Giver and generous
10. Full of wisdom

II. The prophetic sacrifice of the three wise men

A. Frankincense – resin of the boswilia tree which grows forty feet high in India and Arabia. It has a balsamic smell and burns in a white flame and fragrant odor, is burning was symbolical of the holiness Jehovah and of prayer represent Jesus as a complete sacrifice, the offer and the sacrifice.

B. Myrrh – one of the ingredients in the oil of holy ointment and use as a perfume. (Proverbs 7:17) It is one of the gift brought to the infant Jesus. (Matthew 2:11) Use for embalming, preparation for Christ death and his burial.

C. Gold – has been known from the earliest times and seems to have been very abundant among the ancients. It was representative of wealth and much use for ornaments and decorations, utensils for public building. Gold represent Jesus as the Messiah to fulfill His mission on Earth as a redeemer of all mankind. As a fulfillment after His resurrection proclaiming victory overseen and death as savior and Lord.


  • The Gold was a symbol of the king, the Myrrh of the bitterness of the passion, the Frankincense was offered in adoration of the divinity of the Son of God.

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