Sunday, December 12, 2010

Enjoying the Spirit of Christmas

Enjoying the Spirit of Christmas
Luke 2:8-12
What we missed during the Christmas Celebration?
  1. They celebrate the celebration but not the celebrant.
  2. They are too busy fellowshipping party.
  3. People are so materialistic
Our Celebration must be:
                A – accurate; angkop
                B – best of the best for God
                C – Christ centered celebration
Causes of Joy in the New Testament
  1. New converts – Acts 8:8
  2. The repentance of sinners – Luke 15:10
  3. Lame man healed and walk – Acts 3:8
  4. Whole Church – Acts 2:46; Acts 3:8
  5. All Christians – 1 Peter 1:8
  6. The Seventy – Luke 10:17-20
How to maintain the Momentum?
  1. This joy in more than expression and emotions.
  2. The rejoice of assurance and redemption.
  3. The joy of glad tidings.
  4. Rejoice in the Lord and again I say rejoice.
  5. Always in God’s presence and rejoice with the Holy spirit which the true source of joy.
  6. Doing God’s work and sharing His purpose.
  7. Be joyful in all you do.
Serving the Lord with joy will bring success in all you do.

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