Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Significant of the Name “Jesus”

The Significant of the Name  “Jesus”
Matthew 1:21
Names in the bible are so significant especially when God’s reveal 

Himself to a certain task  and special appointment.
The Supremacy of His Name
  1. There is no other name, under Heaven – Acts 14:12
  2. Everyone who calls in the name, shall be save
  3. That in the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess – Philippians 2:10-11
Note:  Salvation is in the name of Jesus.
The GK zozo – Salvation from Sin, Danger, Spiritual Conflict, Hell, and Slavery.
v   Repent and be baptized to everyone in the name of Jesus. – Acts 2:38
The Powerful of the Name
  1. Silver and gold have I none, but such I have, I give in the name of Jesus, Christ of Nazareth. – Acts 3:6
  2. In my name you will cast demons, they shall speak in the new tongues. – Mark 16:17
  3. In my name you will lay hand on sick and they will recover. – verse 18
Think of the name, no other name but the name of Jesus, Powerful 

and wonderful name.

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